Thursday, December 11, 2008


Several times a year I get calls from distressed homeowners concerned with the invasion of their garages, crawl spaces, and even their living rooms with masses of small, worm-like creatures with legs. These are millipedes. These critters may be annoying, but there is no reason to be alarmed. Ordinarily, millipedes live in organic matter such as under piles of leaves or pinestraw, or in lawns with thatch. Dry, hot weather, wet weather that causes soils to become saturated, or fall migrations to overwintering sites will sometimes cause the household invasions that generates the phone call to my office. Usually the caller is looking for a brand of insecticide to spray to kill the little buggers. However, the first response should be to remove millipede habit from near the home, such as piles of leaves or other debris. Correct drainage problems that create dampness near walls, and improve ventilation in crawl spaces. A vacuum cleaner is also a handy way to get rid of millipedes if they get really numerous in your home. Once the environmental conditions that instigated the migration change, your uninvited guests will probably return to their own homes and leave you in peace. For more information, click the link to the NCSU information sheet on millipedes:

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